Tuesday, December 31, 2013

               WELCOME 2014…

At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps, 2014 will come to greet us and the whole world will enter a new phase leaving behind 2013 into the horizon of eternity.

We have still bedevilled with innumerable problems; existence of ours, is threatened.

New Recruitment Rules have not yet been framed for the PACO cadre and still we have been suffering.

Our role in the field of Postal Life Insurance for many decades, has totally been ignored. From 1.29 lakh policies in 1954-55, we have now reached 2 crores of policies in 2011-12 and an amount of Rs. 21 thousand crores, we have earned in respect of PLI/RPLI and received from Ministry of Finance as net corpus in Nov’09 for investment in Govt. Securities. Thereafter , what is  the fate , we do not know.

Rural Postal Life Insurance after being decentralised long back, started facing serious trouble. No Policy Bond in respect of Rural Postal Life Insurance, has been issued since 2008 causing sufferings for the insurants, whereas situation was not so alarming so long as RPLI was centralised.

Thus, in spite of our dedicated efforts and building of funds of crores of rupees, we are being kicked out of the main stream of PLI/RPLI business.

The future of the country old Central Accounting Office – the O/O the Director Of Postal Life Insurance is also in great danger. We have fought against closing down of 9797 Post Offices , RMS section and some other measures by the active leadership of our NFPE. But still the fight is on and in the midst of all such odds we are entering in 2014.

In greater sphere, our fellow brothers (GDS) are fighting for justice with the help of our mighty NFPE. Our casual labourers and contingent paid workers are fighting for survival with dignity.

In national sphere, the formation of 7th CPC is yet to be announced. The question of merger of DA, IR, and other related issues are yet to be sorted out.

Thus the struggle for existence of the working class is becoming more and more intense.

Let us all strive together for greater struggle in near future to achieve those demands.

With all those burning problems, our journey for 2014 will be a tough one. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 with hearty greetings to one and all.

1 comment:

  1. awesome I read this post and am very glad to see this interesting information
