Deputation of PAs of CO/RO cadres to Postal/RMS divisions
F.No. 4-9-2015-SPB-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated:- 23.06.2015
All Heads of Circles.
Subject:- Deputation of Postal Assistants of CO/RO cadres to Postal /RMS Divisions and Units.
I am to refer to the above subject, and to say that some Service Unions have brought to the notice of the Directorate that some Circles are deputing Postal Assistants of Circle Office / Regional Office cadre to the Divisions and operative offices. This not only causes hardship to the Postal Assistants of CO/RO cadre but also hampers the work of Circle Offices and Regional Offices.
2. The matter has been considered in the Directorate. The Circles are advised to refrain from resorting to the above practice of deputing Postal Assistants of CO/RO cadre to Divisions and Operative Offices.
Yours sincerely,
(N.T. Paite)
Director (SPN)
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